lunedì, febbraio 18, 2002

Bellissima iniziatva organizzata da Peter Suber:

"Free Online Scholarship Newsletter"

Revista gratuita settimanale (tramite la posta elettronica), per la libera pubblicazione della ricerca scientifica nella rete. (I vari indirizzi ww w per convegni e congressi internazionali che si trova nella parte di sotto della questa pagine sono stati presi da questa revista)

Free Online Scholarship Newsletter (ISSN 1535-7848).

FOS home page, general information, subscriptions, editorial position

FOS Newsletter, subscriptions, back issues

FOS Discussion Forum, subscriptions, postings

Guide to the FOS Movement

Sources for the FOS Newsletter

Peter Suber

Copyright (c) 2002, Peter Suber

domenica, febbraio 17, 2002

Miranda Mowbray (HP Labs, Bristol, UK) ha messo insieme una lista utile med links a siti con informazione su convegni e incontri sulle comunità nella rete.


Numerosi cose interessanti, per esempio su studi degli videogiochi, scrittura in rete, e-learning, tecnologia e politica ecc…

(Dalla lista Cybersociology)
Cybersociology Magazine
Miranda Mowbray (HP Labs, Bristol, UK) has put together the following list of conferences for those interested in online communities.
Thanks Miranda for letting me share this with Cybersociology!


From:Miranda Mowbray [mjfm@hplb. hpl. hp. com]

Collaborative Technologies
Processes 2002 (run by Group Jazz) collaborative workspaces, virtual team processes, communities of practice
Jan 28 - Feb 1, online (not real time)

Online Learning 2002 Europe (run by vnu)
expensive expo and conference
March 4-7, London

Ethnographies of the Internet:
grounding regulation in lived experience
March 8, Oxford

International Conference on Literature and the Internet
all forms of electronic writing
March 15-16, Paris

Playing with the Future
computer gaming
April 5-7, Manchester

Computers, Freedom and Privacy
cyberlibertarians meet Bruce Sterling
April 16-19, San Francisco

Networked Learning in a Global Environment
virtual education
May 1-4, Berlin

DIAC-02 (run by the CPSR)
Shaping the Network Society - patterns for participation, action and change
May 16-19, Seattle

Virtual Communities (run by Infonortics)
share best practices
June 17-18, London

INET 2002 (run by ISOC)
Where technology and policy intersect
June 18-21, Washington

Incubation2 (run by TrAce)
new media and writing
July 15-16, Nottingham

International Conference on System Research, Informatics and Cybernetics
July 29 - Aug 3, Baden-Baden

ICALT 2002 (run by the IEEE)
International Conference on Advanced Learning Techniques
September 16-19, Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia

MobiCom 2002 (run by the ACM)
International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking
Sept 23-24, Atlanta, Georgia (that's USA, not ex-USSR)

CVE 2002
Collaborative Virtual Environments
Sept 30-Oct 4, Bonn

Internet Research 3.0 (run by AoIR, the Association of Internet Researchers)
October 13-16, Maastricht

Ethicomp 2002
The transformation of organisations in the information age: social and ethical implications.
Nov 13-15, Lisbon

ASIST 2002
Knowledge, connections, and community
Nov 18-21, Philadelphia

Peace, Miranda.

Miranda Mowbray, HP Labs Bristol


Congresso di Studi Culturali
Strade Trasversali nell'Antropologia Culturale

Tampere, Finland 29 June-2 July 2002
Parole chiavi: Pubblici, corpo nella società, cultura del consumatore e del consumo, politica culturale, studi e storia culturale, studi culturali, formazione e pedagogia, origine etnica e razza, cultura massima e minima, l'arte e cultura della massa, costruzione di identità, cultura materiale, studi dei media, metodologia, nazionalità e nazionalismo, nuovi mezzi e tecnologia dell'informazione, cultura popolare, studi culturali psicologici, la cultura delle città, cultura della gioventù

Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference
Anthropology and Cultural Studies

Tampere, Finland 29 June-2 July 2002
Keywords: Audiences, Body in Society, Consumption and Consumer Culture, Cultural Policy, Cultural Studies and History, Cultural Studies, Education and Pedagogy, Ethnicity and Race, High and Low, Art and Mass Culture, Identity Construction, Material Culture, Media Studies, Methodology, Nationhood and Nationalism, New Media and Information Technology, Popular Culture, Psychological Cultural Studies, The Culture of Cities, Youth Culture


Revista online "New Media and Society

Parole chiave:
La sfera virtuale: il Internet come sfera pubblico; esperienze delle donne del tempo libero: implicazioni per il design; l'arte del insulto: effettuando identità in Cyberspace; Cyberstalking e le tecnologie del terrorismo interpersonale; illusioni delle informazioni perfette e le fantasie di controllo nella società di informazioni.

Ricensioni di libri

New Media & Society

Volume 04 Issue 01 - Publication Date: 1 March 2002



The virtual sphere: the internet as a public sphere
Zizi Papacharissi Temple University, Philadelphia, USA

Women's experiences of leisure: implications for design
Anna M. Martinson and Nancy Schwartz Indiana University, USA and Misha Walker Vaughan
Oracle Corporation, California, USA

The art of invective: performing identity in cyberspace
Steven S. Vrooman
Texas Lutheran University, Seguin, USA

Cyberstalking and the technologies of interpersonal terrorism
Brian H. Spitzberg
San Diego State University, USA
Gregory Hoobler
Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA

Illusions of perfect information and fantasies of control in the information society
Dwayne Winseck
Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada

Book Reviews

Kivikuru, Ullamaija, Contesting the Frontiers: Media and Dimensions of Identity, reviewed by Myria Georgiou

Downing, John D.H., Radical Media: Rebellious Communication and Social Movements, reviewed by Tim Jordan

Hamelink, Cees J., The Ethics of Cyberspace, reviewed by Keith Tester

Revista "Online Journalism Review"
Parole chiave: notizie, commenti, critici sul giornalismo in rete, links ai vari revisti online

Welcome to the OJR Newsletter for Friday, February 15, 2002
OJR is the USC Annenberg Online Journalism Review

Congresso USC Annenberg di Giornalismo in Rete
UC del Berkeley, USA marzo 14-15
Tema: "La terza onda: facendola bene"

Fifth Annual Online Journalism Conference
USC Annenberg School for Communication
UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism
USC campus, March 14-15

Conference theme,"The Third Wave: Doing It Right"

The conference ends with a tour of the Integrated Media Systems Center's laboratories at the USC School of Engineering. IMSC is a world leader in 3-D immersive environments.


M/c - revista online sui media e la cultura, alla metà tra la cultura populare e la cultura accademica
M/C Reviews - ricensione online dei eventi culturali e di media

Cercano nuovi collaboratore...

M/C - A Journal of Media and Culture

Call for Contributors
The University of Queensland's award-winning journal of media and culture, M/C, is looking for new contributors. M/C is a crossover journal between the popular and the academic, and a blind- and peer-reviewed journal.

To see what M/C is all about, check out our Website, which contains all the issues released so far, at
To find out how and in what format to contribute your work, visit

We're also welcoming submissions to our sister publication M/C Reviews, an ongoing series of reviews of events in culture and the media. M/C Reviews is available at

We are now accepting submissions for the following issue:

'urban' - article deadline: 11 March 2002
issue editors: Liz Ferrier & Laurie Johnson


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