domenica, gennaio 29, 2006

[Context list] CFP: Context Representation and Reasoning Workshop

CRR 2006


in conjunction with ECAI 2006

Riva del Garda - Italy
August 29, 2006


Paper submission: April 15, 2006
Author notification: May 10, 2006
Camera ready copy: May 24, 2006


Context plays a crucial role in human knowledge representation and
reasoning. Thus, computer systems which act ìintelligentlyî need the
ability to represent, utilize and reason about contexts, and the AI
community has seen a number of projects devoted to the definition and
usage of context in intelligent KR systems.
With the advent of the web and the ubiquitous connectivity, context
has become a relevant notion also in other, more recent, disciplines.
Many application areas such as, "Information Integration", "Distributed
Knowledge Management", "Semantic Web", "MultiAgent Systems",
"Distributed Reasoning", "Data Grid and Grid Computing", and "Peer to
Peer cooperation systems", have acknowledged the need of methods to
represent, and reason about, knowledge which is scattered in a large
set of local and autonomous inter-related contexts, and have studied
various aspects of the context phenomena.

Representing and Reasoning on context is therefore a research issue
spanning several interdisciplinary areas and, in recent years, a
number of different aspects of context have been studied, and a number
of different approaches to model context representation and reasoning
have been proposed.

This workshop aims at bringing together researchers in AI, KR, KM,
semantic web, MAS and other related fields who are interested in
theoretical and practical aspects of context representation and


- logic of context
- logic for distributed knowledge
- context and common-sense reasoning
- distributed/contextual reasoning algorithms
- complexity of distributed/contextual reasoning
- context and knowledge representation
- ontologies and/vs contexts
- contextual reasoning and Semantic Web
- applications of contextual reasoning in semantic-based
(distributed) systems (e.g., peer-to-peer networks, federated
databases, distributed database)
- context for information integration


We are soliciting both high quality technical papers that describe
research results and system demos on the relevant topic areas. All
papers will be peer-reviewed by members of the CRR 2006 program
committee and by additional expert reviewers from relevant research
communities. Papers for CRR 2006 should be maximum 12 pages (technical
papers) formatted according to the Springer-Verlag LNCS style. Paper
can be submitted through the workshop web page. Papers will be
published in the as CRR 2006 working notes. In addition, selected best
papers will be considered for journal publication.


Chiara Ghidini, ITC-IRST, Italy
Luciano Serafini, ITC-IRST, Italy
Paolo Bouquet, University of Trento, Italy


Natasha Alechina, University of Nottingham, UK
Horacio Arlo-Costa, Carnegie Mellon, USA
Massimo Benerecetti, University of Napoli ``Federico II'', Italy
Alex Borgida, Rugers University, USA
Valeria De Paiva, Xerox PARC, USA
Aldo Gangemi, ICST, Italy
Christopher Gauker, University of Cincinnati, USA
Nicola Guarino, Laboratory for Applied Ontologies, Italy
David Leake, Indiana University, USA
Bernardo Magnini, ITC-IRST, Italy
Natasha Noy, Stanford Medical Informatics, USA
Carlo Penco, University of Genoa, Italy
Riccardo Rosati, University of Roma "La Sapienza", Italy
Thomas Roth-Berghofer, DFKI, Germany
Heiner Stuckenschmidt, University of Mannheim, Germany
Andrei Tamilin, ITC-IRST, Italy
Sergio Tessaris, Free University of Bolzano/Bozen, Italy
Rich Thomason, University of Michigan, USA
Roy Turner, University of Maine, USA
Ludger van Elst, DFKI, Germany
Frank Wolter, University of Liverpool, UK
Roger Young, University of Dundee, UK


Paper submission: April 15, 2006
Authors notification: May 10, 2006
Camera ready copy: May 24, 2006

[Context list] CFP on Web Information Retrieval

Dear Colleague:

Call For Papers

Web Information Retrieval
Special Issue - Journal of Digital Information Management - 2006

Issue Editors:

Keith van Rijsbergen (
Iadh Ounis (
Pit.Pichappan ( or

Scope of the Issue/Significance of Web information retrieval

The amount of available information on the Web is continuously increasing. Web
search techniques were initially based on the analysis of the Web structure,
as well as the documents' textual content. Recent applications, such as the
retrieval from blogs, enterprise and intranet searching, or context-dependent
searching, require new retrieval techniques.

This special issue of the Journal of Digital Information Management will
address recent and original developments in the Web information retrieval
field, including those described above. We welcome high-quality papers
addressing the theoretical and/or the practical issues underlying the
retrieval of information from the Web.

Submissions to the special issue should not be under consideration in any
other journal or conference and will be evaluated according to the Journal of
Digital Information Management reviewing criteria and appropriateness to the
special issue. Papers will be reviewed for their content, technical feature,
methodology, originality and results.


Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following areas:

Adversarial search (anti-spamming techniques)
Blog and online-community search
Building Web test collections
Clustering and categorization
Context-dependent Web search
Data fusion and metasearch engines
Distributed and P2P retrieval techniques
Enterprise/Intranet search
Formal Web retrieval models
Machine learning
Natural language processing techniques
New Web search applications
News search and filtering
Open source architectures and systems
Performance, compression and scalability
Personalisation and information filtering
Question answering
Semi-structured data
Types of web search
User interfaces and visualization
User behaviour
Web mining and Web usage mining
Web structure analysis

Submission of Papers:

The papers can be submitted to any of the editors electronically either in pdf
or doc format.

Important Dates:

Paper Submission Due: 30 March 2006
Review and acceptance or revision notification: 30 May 2006
Camera Ready Papers: 30 July 2006
Publication: Sep. - Dec. 2006


ECAI'06 Workshop Abduction and Induction



ECAI'06 Workshop on

"Abduction and Induction in AI and Scientific Modelling"

Riva Del Garda, August 29, 2006

Submission deadline: April 5, 2006



Abduction and induction are forms of logical reasoning with incomplete
information that have many applications in AI. Abduction reasons from
effects to possible causes and has been used in tasks such as planning
and diagnosis. Induction learns general rules for observed data and is
typically used for classification and knowledge acquisition.

As our understanding of abduction and induction continues to grow and
our computational methods improve, it is becoming apparent that there
are potentially significant benefits to be gained by integrating them
both in an incremental cycle of knowledge development. By providing
a means of extending prior knowledge in the light of new experience,
such techniques could be useful in scientific and other AI modelling
applications. Indeed, some promising results are beginning to emerge
from the very first tentative applications of such hybrid systems.



The purpose of this Workshop is to identify novel techniques for the
integration of abduction and induction, and to explore the practical
utility of such methods in scientific and other modelling domains.

The primary aims of the Workshop are

1) To better understand the role of abduction and induction in theory
formation and revision; and to explore methods for combining them
both within an incremental cycle of knowledge development;

2) To identify different conceptual models for integrating abduction
and induction and to investigate how this integration can be done
in a computationally viable way;

3) To determine the benefits that could result from the combination of
abduction and induction and to characterise the classes of problems
that can be usefully solved with such techniques;

4) To examine possible application areas (such as systems biology) and
to assess in more detail the utility of such integrated frameworks.

The Workshop will also aim to examine the relations to other approaches
(philosophical or cognitive) for modelling scientific and other domains.



To promote a genuine workshop atmosphere, short papers (of 2-5 pages
in length) are preferred over full conference style technical papers.
These should be written for this Workshop and should address at least
one of its general focus points. Position papers, system descriptions
and original applications are especially welcome. An effort should be
made to cover both abductive and inductive reasoning, as opposed to
focusing mainly on one of the two.

Papers should be prepared in Latex using the ECAI 2006 guidelines and
style files (available on the web page cited at the top of this mail).
Please send the pdf via email to "" with the subject
"aiai06submission". Submissions should be sent by the 5th of April.

Papers will be reviewed by a Program Committee, who will be assessing
their relevance, quality and/or potential impact. Authors of selected
papers will be invited to present their research at the Workshop.
Authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection by the 5th of May.



Jan 10th, 2006 --- Call for papers.
Apr 5th, 2006 --- Paper submission deadline.
May 5th, 2006 --- Notification of acceptance.
May 18th, 2006 --- Early registration deadline.
May 20th, 2006 --- Camera ready copy deadline.
Aug 29th, 2006 --- Date of the Workshop.



Peter Flach (University of Bristol, UK)
Katsumi Inoue (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
Antonis Kakas (University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
Lorenzo Magnani (University of Pavia, Italy)
Stephen Muggleton (Imperial College London, UK)
Oliver Ray (Imperial College London, UK)
Alessandra Russo (Imperial College London, UK)
Chiaki Sakama (Wakayama University, Japan)



Peter Flach
Department of Computer Science, University of Bristol, UK

Antonis Kakas
Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Lorenzo Magnani
Department of Philosophy, University of Pavia, Italy

Oliver Ray (primary contact)
Department of Computing, Imperial College London, UK


[for more information, please see]

Patrick J. Coppock
Researcher: Philosophy and Theory of Language
Department of Social, Cognitive and Quantitative Sciences
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Reggio Emilia
phone: + 39 0522.522404 : fax. + 39 0522.522512

[Context list] CFP: FOCA @ ESSLLI06


Formal Ontologies for Communicating Agents (FOCA)
July 31 - August 4, 2006

organized as part of the European Summer School on Logic, Language
and Information
July 31 - August 11, 2006 in Malaga



Roberta Ferrario (ferrario at
Nicola Guarino (guarino at
Laurent Prevot (prevotlaurent at



In recent years lots of efforts have been devoted to formal studies of
human and artificial agent communication. Research advancements have
been achieved along three main lines: (i) agent's internal states and
dynamics, (ii) social interaction and conventional communicative
patterns, (iii) semantics-pragmatics interface - especially in the
dialogue context (i.e. the interplay between the semantic content of
messages and the communicative acts themselves). There is a recent
trend of studies trying to integrate these approaches in many ways.
On the other hand, formal ontology has been consecrated as a good
solution for comparing and integrating information and thus its
application to this specific domain is very promising . More
precisely, an ontological analysis of the fundamental ingredients of
interaction and communication will make explicit the hidden
ontological assumptions underlying all these proposals.
Ontology has also proven to be a very powerful means to address
issues related to the exchange of meaningful communication across
autonomous entities, which can organize and use information
The purpose of the workshop is therefore to gather contributions that
(i) take seriously into account the ontological aspects of
communication and interaction and (ii) use formal ontologies for
achieving a better semantic coordination between interacting and
communicating agents.



We encourage contributions concerning the two main areas listed below
with a particular attention to explore the interplay between
ontological analysis and its applications in practical cases.

* Ontological aspects of interaction and communication
- Ontological analysis of interaction and communication
- Studies on the structure and coherence of interaction
- Logical models for communicative acts
- Primitives of interaction and communication
- Formal semantics of dialogue

*Semantic coordination through formal ontologies
- Dialogue semantics and formal ontology
- Dynamic ontology sharing
- Ontological primitives for meaning negotiation, ontological
alignment and semantic interoperability
- Ontology evolution through communication
- Concrete problems and experiences in terminological
disambiguation and integration


Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract describing
original contributions to the workshop topics. Submissions should
range between 3 and 5 pages.
The following formats are accepted: .doc, .tex, .pdf (please, always
include source files).

Please send your submission electronically to the following email address:

esslli06 at

by the deadline listed below. The submissions will be reviewed by
the workshop's programme committee and additional reviewers. The
accepted papers will
appear in the workshop proceedings published by ESSLLI. The
format for the final version will be .pdf.
A selection of the best papers accepted at the workshop will be
considered for publication in the international journal 'Applied
Ontology' (



The workshop is part of ESSLLI and is open to all ESSLLI
participants. It will consist of five 90-minute sessions
held over five consecutive days in the first week
of ESSLLI. There will be 2 or 3 slots for paper presentation
and discussion per session. On the first day the workshop
organizers will give an introduction to the topic.



Submissions : March 8, 2006
Notification : April 21, 2006
Full paper deadline: May 1st, 2006
Final programme : June 21, 2006
Workshop Dates : July 31 - August 4, 2006



Thomas ADDIS (University of Portsmouth)
Nicholas ASHER (University of Texas, Austin, USA)
John BATEMAN (University of Bremen, Germany)
Paolo BOUQUET (University of Trento, Italy)
Herbert CLARK (Stanford University, USA)
Marco COLOMBETTI (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Scott FARRAR (University of Bremen, Germany)
Roberta FERRARIO (LOA-ISTC, CNR, Trento, Italy)
Aldo GANGEMI (LOA-ISTC, CNR, Roma, Italy)
Nicola GUARINO (LOA-ISTC, CNR, Trento, Italy)
Andreas HERZIG (IRIT-CNRS, Toulouse, France)
Joris HULSTIJN (Utrecht University, the Nehterlands)
Kepa KORTA (Universidad del Pais Vasco, Spain)
Laurent PREVOT (Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan)
Matt PURVER (CSLI, Stanford, USA)
William RAPAPORT (University of Buffalo, USA)
Johan VAN BENTHEM (University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
Rogier VAN EIJK (Utrecht University, the Netherlands)
Laure VIEU (IRIT-CNRS, Toulouse, France)



All workshop participants including the presenters will be
required to register for ESSLLI. The registration fee for
authors presenting a paper will correspond to the early
student/workshop speaker registration fee. Moreover, a number
of additional fee waiver grants might be made available by
the local organizing committee on a competitive basis and
workshop participants are eligible to apply for those.

There will be no reimbursement for travel costs or accommodation.
Workshop speakers who have difficulty in finding funding
should contact the local organizing committee to ask for the
possibilities of a grant.



About the workshop:

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