lunedì, marzo 25, 2002

Rivista online: Culture Machine. Ultimo numero sull'etica e la politica

The new issue of CULTURE MACHINE, the international electronic peer-reviewed journal of cultural studies and cultural theory, is now available online.

The Ethico-Political Issue

Edited by Joanna Zylinska


* Simon Critchley, 'Ethics, Politics and Radical Democracy: the History of a Disagreement'

* Ernesto Laclau, 'Ethics, Politics and Radical Democracy: a Response to Simon Critchley'

* Paul Bowman, 'Politics and Ethics from Behind'

* Alain Badiou, 'One Divides into Two'

* Peter Hallward, 'Badiou's Politics: Equality and Justice'

* Roger I. Simon, Mario DiPaolantonio, Mark Clamen, 'Remembrance as Praxis and the Ethics of the Inter-human'

* Joanna Zylinska, '"They're All Antisemitic There": Aporias of Responsibility and Forgiveness'

* Patricia Molloy, 'Moral Spaces and Moral Panics: High Schools, War Zones and Other Dangerous Places'

* Elizabeth Walden, 'Cultural Studies and the Ethics of Everyday Life'

* Shannon E. Lowe, 'Miskinetic Neuropoliticology: the Politics of Constructing and Disciplining the Organism of the Brain'

* Mark Poster, 'The Aesthetics of Distracting Media'


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