domenica, gennaio 29, 2006

[Context list] CFP: Context Representation and Reasoning Workshop

CRR 2006


in conjunction with ECAI 2006

Riva del Garda - Italy
August 29, 2006


Paper submission: April 15, 2006
Author notification: May 10, 2006
Camera ready copy: May 24, 2006


Context plays a crucial role in human knowledge representation and
reasoning. Thus, computer systems which act ìintelligentlyî need the
ability to represent, utilize and reason about contexts, and the AI
community has seen a number of projects devoted to the definition and
usage of context in intelligent KR systems.
With the advent of the web and the ubiquitous connectivity, context
has become a relevant notion also in other, more recent, disciplines.
Many application areas such as, "Information Integration", "Distributed
Knowledge Management", "Semantic Web", "MultiAgent Systems",
"Distributed Reasoning", "Data Grid and Grid Computing", and "Peer to
Peer cooperation systems", have acknowledged the need of methods to
represent, and reason about, knowledge which is scattered in a large
set of local and autonomous inter-related contexts, and have studied
various aspects of the context phenomena.

Representing and Reasoning on context is therefore a research issue
spanning several interdisciplinary areas and, in recent years, a
number of different aspects of context have been studied, and a number
of different approaches to model context representation and reasoning
have been proposed.

This workshop aims at bringing together researchers in AI, KR, KM,
semantic web, MAS and other related fields who are interested in
theoretical and practical aspects of context representation and


- logic of context
- logic for distributed knowledge
- context and common-sense reasoning
- distributed/contextual reasoning algorithms
- complexity of distributed/contextual reasoning
- context and knowledge representation
- ontologies and/vs contexts
- contextual reasoning and Semantic Web
- applications of contextual reasoning in semantic-based
(distributed) systems (e.g., peer-to-peer networks, federated
databases, distributed database)
- context for information integration


We are soliciting both high quality technical papers that describe
research results and system demos on the relevant topic areas. All
papers will be peer-reviewed by members of the CRR 2006 program
committee and by additional expert reviewers from relevant research
communities. Papers for CRR 2006 should be maximum 12 pages (technical
papers) formatted according to the Springer-Verlag LNCS style. Paper
can be submitted through the workshop web page. Papers will be
published in the as CRR 2006 working notes. In addition, selected best
papers will be considered for journal publication.


Chiara Ghidini, ITC-IRST, Italy
Luciano Serafini, ITC-IRST, Italy
Paolo Bouquet, University of Trento, Italy


Natasha Alechina, University of Nottingham, UK
Horacio Arlo-Costa, Carnegie Mellon, USA
Massimo Benerecetti, University of Napoli ``Federico II'', Italy
Alex Borgida, Rugers University, USA
Valeria De Paiva, Xerox PARC, USA
Aldo Gangemi, ICST, Italy
Christopher Gauker, University of Cincinnati, USA
Nicola Guarino, Laboratory for Applied Ontologies, Italy
David Leake, Indiana University, USA
Bernardo Magnini, ITC-IRST, Italy
Natasha Noy, Stanford Medical Informatics, USA
Carlo Penco, University of Genoa, Italy
Riccardo Rosati, University of Roma "La Sapienza", Italy
Thomas Roth-Berghofer, DFKI, Germany
Heiner Stuckenschmidt, University of Mannheim, Germany
Andrei Tamilin, ITC-IRST, Italy
Sergio Tessaris, Free University of Bolzano/Bozen, Italy
Rich Thomason, University of Michigan, USA
Roy Turner, University of Maine, USA
Ludger van Elst, DFKI, Germany
Frank Wolter, University of Liverpool, UK
Roger Young, University of Dundee, UK


Paper submission: April 15, 2006
Authors notification: May 10, 2006
Camera ready copy: May 24, 2006

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